Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A bit of disease

BRP fully developed

We continue to see a lot of Brown Ring Patch (BRP) activity. The recent environmental conditions have been ideal for this disease to develop, as it favors mild temperatures and the cool, damp mornings that we experience this time of year. To date we have made 3 fungicide applications, with another scheduled for this Friday. Typically we use a two pronged approach with our chemical applications. A contact to kill the disease on the surface; combined with a systemic which the plant ingests to kill the disease from within. Nothing too alarming here, typical spring disease that we see every year.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Here we go!

After 6.5 inches of rain last week, we are finally catching up on our mowing. Expect to see heavy clippings and a lot of equipment this week. For obvious reasons, we are really rough around the edges, but it is nothing time and hard work will not take care of. Please be patient with the mess. See you on the course.