Friday, April 26, 2013

Bunker Liners

This photo was sent to me the other day. It looks as though, the liner was exposed when a player was raking the bunker smooth after their shot. The rake caught the fabric and pulled it up, along with the gravel underneath. We have been seeing this quite often, as the liners are beginning to tear. Whenever we see this, it is fixed THAT DAY. Unfortunately, we don't always see what is just below the surface of the sand. With repairs and adding sand to high use bunkers we hope to avoid this situation in the future. If you run across something like this, be sure to inform the golf shop so they can relay the message to have it fixed asap.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Driving Range Project

Following a week spent removing the last 15+ years of topdressing, we laser leveled and installed new sod on the upper tee. The sod went into a little shock, as it was non-overseeded Bermuda out of the desert. It has since began to bounce back.
The new matting is installed much like carpet. After measuring, it is simply cut to fit, followed by gluing to the existing concrete pad.
Ready for use after only one day!